Monday, April 14, 2008

Voodoo Baseball

I awoke this morning to a radio report of the story of the Boston Red Sox jersey buried in the construction of the new Yankee Stadium. It seems that Gino Castignoli, a New York-dwelling, Red Sox-cheering construction worker, placed a David Ortiz jersey beneath five feet of concrete in the new stadium several months ago. After bragging about it to friends, he allowed the story to get out. The Yankees then, figuring out where Castignoli might have had access, took a jack hammer to the suspect floor and found the shirt last week.
So who is dumber? Is it Castignoli who spent good money on the Ortiz jersey and buried it, only to face possible legal action for his troubles? Or is it the Yankees who took this nonsense seriously and spent time, money, and mess jack-hammering their new ballpark searching for a jersey that might never have existed?
Does somebody in the Yankee organization really believe that a buried piece of cloth will somehow put a hex on the Bronx Bombers? If that's so, perhaps they ought to sift through the rubble of the House that Ruth Built when they demolish it next year looking for an explanation of the jillion-dollar team's woes in recent years.

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