Sunday, February 24, 2008

Literature vs. literature -- John Grisham

If you've taken a literature class from me, then you know that one of the big questions I like to continue to dangle in front of the eyes of my students is the difference between capital-L Literature and small-l literature. In other words, what makes something worthy of being treated with respect, printed in literature anthologies, and so forth. John Grisham, it seems, doesn't place himself in the upper-case category.
“I’m not sure where that line goes between literature and popular fiction,”
the mega-selling author says. “I can assure you I don’t take myself serious
enough to think I’m writing literary fiction and stuff that’s going to be
remembered in 50 years. I’m not going to be here in 50 years; I don’t care
if I’m remembered or not. It’s pure entertainment.”

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