Friday, February 22, 2008

Consider the Source?

What a strange morning. I awoke this wintery morning and, before getting completely dressed, performed the sensible task of looking to see if JCCC had cancelled due to the weather. According to KC's channel 5, we were open.
After spending a half hour in my office and speaking to several colleagues, I received a peculiar phone call from Penny, my wife.
"Are you at school?" she asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"You're closed," she continued.
"No we're not."
"Channel 9 says you're closed."
If Channel 9 says we're closed, then I guess we must be closed. After all, they're on TV and we're not. Never mind that classes are in session, the parking lot is filling up, and the Writing Center is buzzing. Channel 9 says we're closed.
When I notified our public information czar about this tidbit, expressing my outrage at her for withholding this information from us, she registered surprise. "I knew that KFKF said we were closed, but this is news to me."
News. Yeah, that's what Channel 9 is all about. They're so late-breaking in their news coverage that they announce us as closed before we close. I'm impressed.
The czar explained that the last time she had called a TV station directly to register a closing, they had simply accepted the news without asking who she was or whether she had the authority to make such a pronouncement. Interesting.
There's a point to this little rant. My point is that you should always check all available sources for school closings so that you get out as often as possible! Also, it is important to be skeptical of sources. Channel 9 either wasn't skeptical about whoever called in with the news on JCCC's closing or they simply made a mistake, perhaps confusing Johnson County Country Club for Johnson County Community College. Either way, a smart student will recognize that these things happen.
Had a person gone directly to the JCCC website, they'd have seen--straight from the horse's mouth--that the school is open.
Taking this idea a bit further, maybe I should be more skeptical. I didn't see Channel 9's error myself. It's not on their web listing now (although it might have been removed in the last few minutes), so maybe Penny made a mistake and I shouldn't trust her. I'm so confused!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the chuckle. I enjoy reading your blogs and emails.