Saturday, January 19, 2008

Roe IQ

It's possible that some of you might have wanted to write a paper on abortion at some point in your academic career. I can confess that, as a college freshman, many, many years ago--like almost 30--I wrote a paper on that topic.
Despite trying to discourage people from writing on that topic, I get those papers pretty much every semester, and they're almost always dreadful. Now it's certainly possible to write a good paper either for or against abortion, but people almost always bungle the task. Why? They typically don't have a clue what they're talking about, simply parroting the propaganda that they've gotten from either the American Life League or Planned Parenthood or somesuch organization. Get these writers a little bit off script and their ignorance is exposed. In other words, these writers aren't sharing their own ideas. They're sharing somebody else's ideas through their words. Boring!
Today I stumbled onto this little tool for exposing ignorance on the topic of abortion. It's the Roe IQ Test. The average score is pretty dreadful. Mine was even more dreadful. I'm glad I wasn't taking that test for a grade!

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