Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Fonts of Fame and Fortune

Gotta get off this alliteration kick.
Do you think that fonts don't matter? I'm here to tell you that they do matter very much. A couple of years back, I sat on a committee looking to hire a new faculty member. One candidate looked quite competent and attractive--academically speaking, of course--but there was this one little problem. An essay in her application was printed in some weird, scripty font. Several of us had significant problems with that. That choice suggested somebody who just didn't make the best choices.
I mention this because I ran onto this study on fonts on student papers. Read it and you'll know what to do in some detail, but the basic idea is that using traditional fonts is a good idea. I don't know that it's fair that Times Roman gets a better grade than Bauhaus Light, but that really doesn't matter, does it? You could, I suppose, become the champion of font fairness. You could expose all of the typeface bigotry and san serif prejudice in this world. You could, but why? Is this really a fight worth fighting, a hill worth dying on? If you decide that it is, then by all means, man the barricades. For most of us, however, the right choice is to simply laugh at the silliness of it all and use the fonts that get the result we want.

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